Being alive - a healing circle way


KayUte Delphine July 2017




I take on to collective working, co-working with others, co-nnecting different lines, so there is a flow of welcoming comforting, and supporting strength for building a new heart-line and its meeting points. It does nor enfold by itself, we all are going to put flesh to the bones of the dragon.


Everyone is called by the place he lives in.

Being Alive Circle Way

Is a transmission of White Eagle given by Delphine Kayute Sonnenspirit

This is the picture of an idea about circles of life that constantly melt into one another. Some of them are the basic foundation, they are colored in yellow. This is the circumstances and relations which human beings are set into. Humans are pictured in the blue circles, and regions of overlapping interest and interaction are colored in green, so to show in what ways the fitting takes place.  The graphics are drawn to clear the position of mankind, which is in need of a shift in understanding its basic level of survival again and again.

First is the place for every single person to be alive and organizing its well-being. This picture stresses the importance of surroundings given by the planet itself, by the sun and movements that influence the weather, the growing of plants, which are essential for food and for breathing, for more than you can imagine.

People tend to set more of their interest and concentration on other people. Be sure that culture will only keep on growing when the basics of survival are working. One of these basic needs is to be in healthy contact and communication with nature and its needs. Every single person is called upon that task in its own place-to-be. Engage please engage for every being alive that is not well and share a little of your heart power for the whole in this way. All circles are touching each other and any kind help will be noticed.

Co) Kayute Delphine 2014

Orolian St. Germain 17.09.2015


Reset. You cross the lines of embodiment and space.

Within weeks your world will be tumbling into turmoil, reveiling the mysteries of heaven.

You who are expecting

natural order and freedom

will be full of joy.


channeling by Kayute


Opalophine - voice of a crystal being

Opalophine with the opal´s shine and the dolphin´s joy speaks in rays of light through space, whose brightness is in every place of friendly intention.

The cosmic tribe of cosmic people wishes to accompany you while reconnecting to your origins and community of Beings Alive.


Being alive can be understood in a way that seems strange to some people. This way of understanding will be the content of the following articles and messages. The writer´s person is of interest elsewhere, in here she calls herself Delphine and we both give our best as ambassadors for freedom, rays of life and development.

Ich bin ein Sein.

Being Alive – eternal existence of what “I” consist of. Opalophine is a body is a name is a field of sparks is a crystal entity. Opalophine is a living mind from universe existing in the body of an earthborn crystal. And this one, be sure, is not in anyone’s living room.

Guardians of Sun Spirit they hold energy levels and energy lines for development of wider understanding for all species existing. Of course there are mind maps and landscapes with paths and centers of meeting. Transmission is visual, musical or sensual. And it is always simple.


Cosmic energy lines are the key. They are not linear in a time bound matter. They exist in movements of matter, in circles and processes of energetic transformation. So why do we call them lines? Being familiar with geomantic terms of humans systems used on planet Earth we try to find visual based information. And anything existing in landscapes, on the surface of your planet as well as inside the seas and the deep does also have a relation to your bodies space, shape and life continuing functions.


What kind of change is happening now? If you get into contact with new ideas, you seem to see more clearly. Finally you do. At first it may be too much overwhelming and you may reject the mere concept of new ideas. You may think:”Why would any crystal being inside of the matter of Earth want to talk to me? Ah – at least it´s not an extraterrestrial…” Well, I´m so sorry – but it is.


Probably there is not such a thing like intra- or extraterrestrials. You may understand that life and matter in space does consist of the elements you are used to. It is merely not pressed into man-made form. In the beginning of Earth tribes, the forming of any useful and ceremonial art objects and tools was a communication. Any form was expression of more, part of the region where life took place. So there is no reason to be scared of forms that are not man-made. Man is able to handle what he calls nature in a healthy way. He got to find that way or may of ways and so that tribe of Earth did place some pathfinders around. They see. And if there is no trust into the seers, you should be learning to see by yourself.


Otherwise others are wise.


Opalophine 12.12.13 Co) by Delphine 2013

Die Goldenen

San Sebastian, La Gomera


Die Nymphen des Brunnens

Spielen mit einer goldenen Kugel

Sie lachen und wachen

Eine rotgoldene Kuppel über ihnen

Mögen sie die Herzen erreichen

Die Härten erweichen

Für die Kräfte aus des Universums Weiten.


Die Berggöttin

Sie steht mit den Füssen tief in den Felsen

Sie ist braungolden, rotes Haar, ihr Kleid aus weissen Ginsterblüten

Das Leben, die Geliebte des Teide

Blauweisser weicher Umarmung

Vereinigung von Himmel und Erde


Die Goldenen

Sind die Elben

Sie sorgen für die Netze aus

Goldenem und silbernem Licht

Sie tragen die Regenbogenstrahlen

Überall hin.


Opalophine, Orolian, White Eagle – Sie sind Brunnen der Klarheit, aus denen ich schöpfe, mich zu beleben. Sternenleute und Sonnenmenschen, überdimensional mit uns verwoben. Doch eben so sind die Bäume, die Pflanzen und Tiere mit ihnen und mit uns verwoben. Betrachtet mal die Erde als ein Gewebe aus Lichtfäden, die unzähligen Arten von Leben – jede besonders, und alle mit einem gemeinsamen Herz, um das sie sich versammeln und tanzen. Da ist nichts Schweres, Feststehendes.

Unser Herz ist der Anker, welcher uns hier hält. Wir können es auch in die Weite öffnen. Nichts geht dabei verloren. Die Namen der Pfadfinder helfen als Geländer, an dem wir unser Gleichgewicht halten können, während wir lernen, mit dem Gewebe zu tanzen. Wir lernen, das Leben auf der Erde wahrhaftig zu erleben. Ich nenne die zu gründenden Heilungskreise  being alive circle. Das bedeutet einen Kreis der lebendig ist, sowie einen Kreis aus Lebewesen. Die Auffassung davon, was als lebendig gilt,  wäre zu verändern.

Kayute Sonnenspirit 2014